- ポンドにつられてドルを暴落{ぼうらく}させる
pull the dollar down along with the pound 意味
- "pull the curtains aside" 意味
- "pull the curtains back" 意味
- "pull the curtains to" 意味
- "pull the curtains together" 意味
- "pull the discussion back to the original theme" 意味
- "pull the drapes" 意味
- "pull the dummy out of one's mouth" 意味
- "pull the economy out of" 意味
- "pull the economy out of its slump" 意味
- "pull the curtains together" 意味
- "pull the discussion back to the original theme" 意味
- "pull the drapes" 意味
- "pull the dummy out of one's mouth" 意味